In late 2018, ILSA launched the All Rise Society, an exclusive giving society for the most distinguished members of our Jessup Competition Community. All Rise Society members form the backbone of the Jessup Competition. Your support will ensure our continued ability to provide law students around the globe with the chance to connect with some of the world’s greatest legal minds, prepare them to enter the most competitive ranks of the legal profession, and nurture their commitment to the peaceful resolution of conflict through the rule of law.
New Professionals
Friends of the Jessup who are less than five years out of law school or graduate school can join the All Rise Society at a discounted "New Professionals" level. This level is intended to encourage our newest Friends of Jessup and alumni to stay involved and support the Jessup at a more accessible level.
As a Member of the All Rise Society, you will be entitled to special recognition and benefits including:
- • Invitations to exclusive events throughout the year
- • A commemorative pin for every $6,000 pledge or donation made
- • Recognition in Jessup and ILSA promotional materials and on the ILSA website
Pledge Your Support
If you would like to become a member of the All Rise Society, please complete the pledge form below. Members are asked to pledge at least $6,000 over 5 years, or $1,800 over three years for New Professionals, in support of the Jessup Competition. ILSA will contact you after receiving your pledge form to set up payment arrangements (by credit card, check, or wire). By signing this form, you are joining your colleagues who share a special commitment to world peace and international law. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowed under U.S. law.
All Rise Society Members
Fatemah Albader
Del Atwood
Teddy Baldwin
Lesley Benn
Joseph Brand
Bonnie Bird & Michael Collins
Jeff Brooks
William W. Burke-White
Dagmar Butte
Dave Cahn
Wade Coriell
Chris Coyle
Nilo Divina
Christine Drage
Elisabeth Eljuri
Jonathan Clark Green
Peter Griffin
Monika Hlavkova
Andrew Holmes
Jason E. Johns
William Kent
Michael Scharf
Chen Siyuan
Alexander Kamsany Lee
Nan (Roy) Ling
Mark Luz
Scott Magee
Mitch Meisner
Megan Mattimoe
Nicholas W. Mull
Roxanna Nazari
Dwight Newman
Kirsten Odynski
Julie Sugano O'Reilly
Anaiah Palmer
Jessica Peake
Kelsey Peddie
Michael Peil
Lucy Reed
Srikant Reganti
Natalie Reid
Jeff Robins
Vasco de Jesus Rodrigues
Steven M. Schneebaum
Matthew Small
Quang Trinh
Frank Wang
Michael Wood
Shane Young